Penis size is one of the hottest male problems. One can argue for a long time about the extent to which the size of this organ is related to happiness, peace and self-confidence, but the number of men who are convinced that this connection is obvious is not decreasing. In addition, in some cases, penis enlargement is really a necessity.
In what cases is it advisable to enlarge the penis?

Andrologists believe that the male genitalia is normal, with an erection length of at least nine and a half centimeters. There are also cases of a man with a micropenis - a penis no longer than two centimeters.
But in addition to the objective need to enlarge the penis, there is also a subjective one, when the man is convinced that his penis is so small that it is an obstacle to his success with women and a normal family life. Thinking about this can lead to insecurity, feelings of inadequacy, shyness, isolation and even depression.
The feelings and emotions of such men are played by numerous "folk healers" and fraudsters who offer "miraculous" ways to enlarge the penis. These are various ointments, tablets, oils, etc. In the best case they are ineffective, in the worst case they can lead to malignant neoplasms or blood poisoning.
Therefore, when deciding to enlarge the genital organ, contact only specialists with medical education. There are currently many advanced methods for enlarging the penis.
What technologies are used to enlarge the penis?
- Surgical method. . . The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Its essence lies in the fact that there is a redistribution of the length of different parts of the genital organ. In particular, the hanging part of the penis becomes larger and the perineal part becomes smaller. In this case, the total length of the penis remains the same as it was. This method is the fastest, but it is recommended to use it when the penis needs to increase by a few centimeters (usually no more than four).
- Non-surgical method.With this method, the penis is enlarged both in a relaxed and erect state. This technology allows for more impressive results, albeit for a longer period of time. The essence of this technique lies in the fact that the man wears the so-called extensor for several months - a device that exposes his penis to constant stretching. The device should be felt for at least six hours a day.
- Combined method. . . This is the most effective technology. It is based on a reasonable combination of surgical and non-surgical methods. The patient undergoes surgery and then uses a stretcher for a period of time. This technique allows you to enlarge your penis two or even three times.
Is it possible to increase the thickness of the penis?
In this case, the most effective operation. It lies in the fact that about two hundred milliliters of the patient's own adipose tissue, taken from his thigh, is pumped under the skin of the penis. As a result, the penis will increase evenly in width.
If you have decided to enlarge your penis, choose a qualified medical professional. It should be noted that in good clinics you will undergo a preliminary consultation with a urologist, who will warn you of possible risks and help you choose the best method for you.