How to increase the thickness of the penis? This is a question that has long worried many generations of men.
It so happened that in male psychology we need to be first in everything. Earn more money, achieve more success in sports, be first among all women around it.
Is it worth increasing the width of the member
Even with a thick wallet and an attractive figure, a man is not immune to disappointment because a woman may be unhappy with a too weak member. According to a common misconception, a woman gets the most pleasure from a partner with the longest member. However, according to medical data, the female vagina is maximally enlarged to 16-17 centimeters, even at the time of arousal.
It is not always possible for a long penis to fully enter the vagina - this limits sexual life and requires abstinence from certain moments of sexual activity. Excessive rubbing can cause injury, which will forever deprive your girlfriend of the desire for sex. Therefore, it is worth referring to another parameter of the male member.
Women get more pleasure from stimulation with a thick and wide penis.
Orgasm can be achieved by different methods - impact on different erogenous zones, which depend on a particular person. Such areas may be on the buttocks, chest or even on the feet, but they are purely individual and may not always be present.
However, the brightest orgasm that a man and a woman get is from sexual intercourse. The most sensitive areas in a woman's vagina are located at the entrance to the vagina on the front wall - this point is also called the "ji point" and on the back wall near the crown of the uterus.

To stimulate both points, you must have either a sufficient thickness of the penis or a correct curvature.
The combination of these factors makes a man successful in sex, as you can reach both points by an average of 13-15 centimeters.
However, men will never stop and will pursue huge sizes to satisfy their ego.
Methods to increase the thickness of the penis
The penis is a sponge-like structure. The penis has many cavernous bodies, which when aroused are filled with blood from the small pelvis and the fleshy body of the penis. The interaction of these two structures leads to an erection. The width of the corpora cavernosa is genetically determined. Sexologists and andrologists distinguish two types of the male member - fleshy and bloody.
The fleshy type is characterized by an impressive size of the penis at rest. It looks more attractive, but no more than twice when upright. This type is characterized by greater thickness and strength of erection - the penis stands better and looks harder. However, if the mass is too large, it can be "slow" - there is not enough muscle strength to keep it in tension.
Bloody, on the contrary, several times less without an erection, but increases to three times. In case of insufficient blood filling, it will be slow and may sag. Such a member is more flexible, which in some cases plays only in the hands of a man. For such a member, blood circulation is very important, as disorders in it can lead to lack of erection.
Genetically, most people have a blood type of penis.
This generates a number of stereotypes. In this case, however, it is much easier to increase the thickness - stretching the corpus cavernosum is much easier than in the fleshy type, which gives more noticeable and faster results.

Almost all methods of increasing body thickness are associated with increased cell division. However, this is not always available - the maximum size of the penis is associated with a genetic predisposition and it is impossible to get around even the most expensive extenders and surgeries. This should be kept in mind when you want to enlarge your penis.
Doctors identify many methods that may not always lead to the desired result.
When asked how to increase the thickness of the penis, doctors offer basic methods:
- Improving blood circulation;
- Frequent intercourse and masturbation;
- Increase testosterone naturally;
- Using extension cords.
Improved blood circulation
The diameter of the penis depends on the erection. Erections in men can often be reduced due to insufficient blood supply. To improve this, you need to work on your circulatory system in the small pelvis - the more blood will flow, the better the erection will be.
Men often don't notice this because they are not always aroused enough. With a full erection, the penis becomes much thicker, often during intercourse, because the actual thickness of the penis is often invisible to the man, but is felt perfectly by the woman, which is expressed in orgasm.
To improve blood circulation, it is worth doing more physical activity in the lower extremities.
Active cycling and running strengthen the legs and lead to an increase in vascular bed, which will have a positive effect on blood circulation. Sexual activity will lead to cell division and expansion of the corpus cavernosum. This will make it easier to increase the width of your penis at home.
Frequent intercourse and masturbation
The penis is like a muscle - you have to train. Friction, which occurs during intercourse or masturbation, leads to an increase in cell proliferation - the penis gradually becomes wider. This will allow you to enlarge your penis, so do not give up and organize prolonged abstinence for no apparent reason.
It is naturally undesirable to resort to masturbation shortly before sex - it can kill the desire, reduce arousal. If you still want to remove the tension for some reason, it is better to attract a partner for this and most likely you will both be satisfied with the process.
Increase testosterone naturally
Testosterone is a natural activator of penis cell growth. Men with high testosterone production have a wide penis. However, testosterone injections kill the production of natural, natural testosterone at the root, which will lead to loss of sexual function.
Active physical activity can increase the amount of internal testosterone.
Testosterone is produced as a neurotransmitter in muscle cells and is broken down in adipose tissue. This can lead to loss of erection, general obesity and general hunger for women. Exercise is a great way to improve your sex life.
Extensions are special devices that allow you to stretch your penis. In this case, the size of the cells is strictly defined and increasing the length of the penis will lead to an increase in the width of the penis. It is worth noting that the procedure is quite lengthy and painful.
An extender is a device that is attached to the head and pulls the penis with weight. You have to wear it constantly, which is not always comfortable and painful. Another issue is the quality of the extension cords. Many devices are absolutely not certified and are not suitable for use, so it is necessary to follow the advice of doctors.
Increase operations

It is currently possible to enlarge the penis through surgery. Each organism is individual, so it is necessary to consult a doctor for each case. Only an andrologist surgeon will be able to answer whether it is possible to increase the width in your case. The operation is expensive and requires rehabilitation.
Surgery is undesirable - the male member is quite fragile, so you should resort to it only as a last resort. The increase is achieved by pruning the structures around the root and a course of testosterone activators, which will increase the length and width. Some clinics may offer implants, but they will completely kill the body's sensitivity.
If you are ashamed of your dignity, you must first get rid of the complexes. Often in sex, the compatibility of partners decides, therefore, before such a step as surgery, you should contact a psychologist or sexologist who will fully explain the situation and help you find the right solution.